Look in my badges/plates category in my shop for the full series of aluminium plates and labels This item lists "austin chassis". There are three types currently... simply choose which one you want and tell me in a message. crcp312 is type 1, crcp379 is type 2, crcp339 is type 3. (PLEASE… you do not get all three… I am trying to assist you here… sigh… some people!!) They are all about 20 to 30% greater height than the standard valve-cover type plates. Unlike the Morris Motors Chassis one, it remains the same thickness as the valve-cover types. It is about as rigid as a credit card. The aluminium PLATE has two holes, but if I were doing it, I would consider cleaning the surface, then use silicon sparingly... it is a good adhesive... clean the surface though. Kerosene does not affect plastics (ie paint)... prob petrol would work well too. Note these DO have a protective plastic pull-off coat on... at first I thought they didn't... so remove that carefully. To look for items in my shop, it is easiest to look in the (sometimes yellow) box of "shop categories". Select the category of interest and all items in that category will appear. It is much easier than keywords. Alternatively, if it is not showing, then right next to “visit store” at the top right (NOT “see other items” !!!) is the link/word “jimmytheparrot1” … just click that and the categories will be listed on the page. If you’re using Ebay’s useless mobile app, I have no idea… this app is a real shocker/compromise in quality and half the stuff is missing . SHOP-category examples "BRAKE" or "TRAFFICATOR parts" or "LIGHTS" or "AXLES" or "COOLING" etc etc