100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! We stand behind every item we sell and offer a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee on all items. We try our best to make online shopping easier and safer for you. FREE SHIPPING (Continental US only) Your orders will be shipped within 1 business day. When we ship your order you will be e-mailed the tracking information. FREE RETURNS (Continental US only) We thoroughly inspect all the items before listing them. However, from time-to-time there may be an issue. Please inspect your order carefully upon receipt. If a shipping damage is discovered report the damage to us as soon as possible. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, please notify us within 30 days after receipt. We cannot honor any returns after the 30 days period. The returned item must be in the original packaging material or something equivalent. THANKS FOR SHOPPING WITH US! VIGO Stainless Steel Bottom Grid 19.25-in. x 16.875-in.